New York City Weather in March and April

Because New York City is located on the Atlantic Ocean March Weather in New York is often milder than one may expect, but it is also sometimes subjected to moderate to heavy snows. The range of possible weather is so wide that you really need to watch for weather reports as your time in New York City nears.

The record high temperature in New York for the last 142 years in March was 83 degrees Fahrenheit, most recently registered on March 29, 1998, and the mean high is 50. The coldest day reported in New York in March for the past 142 years was 8 most recently registered on March 1, 1980, while the average low nfl jerseys cheap temperature is 35.

United States National Weather Service historical weather data indicates that on March 18, 1967, the measured high temperature did not exceed 19 degrees Fahrenheit, the lowest high measured in New York in the past 142 years. Weather Service records additionally show that on March 29, 1998, the recorded low temperature for the day did not drop below 59 degrees, the highest low measured in New York in the last 142 years.

NWS data indicates that the daily high temperature in New York on March First averages 44 degrees Fahrenheit and the high on the authentic nfl jerseys wholesale last day of March averages 54 degrees. The low temperature in New York in March on the first day of the month averages 31 degrees and the low temperature on the last day of the month averages 40 degrees.

New York receives an average of 4.37 inches of precipitation during March. The most precipitation recorded on a single day in March was 3.15 inches on March 22, 1977.

By the middle of April freezing nighttime temperatures are gone and the weather is typically enjoyable when it is not raining in New York City in April.

The highest recorded temperature for New York New York for the past 142 years in April was 94 degrees Fahrenheit, on April 17, 2002, and the mean high is 61. The lowest documented temperature in April for New York for the past 142 years was 22 most recently registered on April 8, 1982, while the regular low temperature for a given day during the month is 44.

United States NWS historical weather data records that on April 6, 1982, the high temperature did not exceed 30 degrees Fahrenheit, the lowest high measured in New York in the past 142 years. NWS weather data additionally shows that on April 18, 2002, the lowest recorded temperature on that day did not drop below 73 degrees, the highest low measured in New York in the last 142 years.

According to the National Weather Service, the high temperature in New York in April on the first day of the month averages 55 degrees and the high on the last day of the month averages 65 degrees. The average recorded low temperature in New York on April First is 40 degrees Fahrenheit and the average high on the last day of April is 49 degrees.

New York usually receives an average of 4.28 inches of rain during April. On April 27, 2007 New York received 6.69 inches of precipitation, the highest amount of rain recorded in a single day in April.
